We are actively seeking potential council candidates. Being a local councillor is a great way to serve your community and campaign on local issues. You don't have to be a "politician", but of course you do need to be supportive of the Conservative Party's policies and aims. Interested? The first step is to contact our office. We will be happy to discuss what's involved and describe the straightforward selection process. There are no set qualifications or experience you need to have, and the Party tries to select council candidates of all ages and from all backgrounds and walks of life. Give it a go - you may be surprised!
Becoming a councillor is an extremely rewarding experience. It gives you the opportunity to help your local community and be part of a dedicated team providing key services for your area. Being a councillor is a great way to gain political experience and useful skills in public speaking, debating and problem solving.
New councillors are good news. They mean fresh ideas and fresh enthusiasm, and that will be good for your council.
Could you become a councillor?
To be eligible you must be:
- A British subject or a citizen of the Irish Republic or the EU and resident in the UK.
- At least eighteen years old on the day you are nominated.
- Either on the electoral register for the council area in which you are seeking election.
- Have lived or worked in that council area for at least the last twelve months.
North Devon Needs You!
The North Devon Conservative Association is keen to start looking now for District/Town and Parish councillors across the whole of North Devon. While we are delighted with the election of Selaine Saxby MP and indeed recently returning 5 out of 7 County Councillors from North Devon, we cannot rest upon our laurels. We need grass roots councillors in District, Town and Parishes, as local accountability increases over the course of this Parliament these roles will become increasingly more important. Gaining experiance in these Councils will give you the experience to step up to District and then maybe Devon County Council.
Campaigning will be constant and consistant over the coming years and we will need your help. Get in touch. Get involved.
For more details, please give the Association a ring on 01271 343101 or click here to contact us.
You can also fill in the survey below to tell us how else you would like to get involved, if being a councillor isn't for you but you'd still like to help.